Network addresses

  • Would it be possible to hold Network Address Paths in memory in order to Auto-Connect at start-up ? Some locations are very hit n miss in reliability terms disappearing for days at a time then suddenly reappearing . 



  • @manmcg hello! What protocol are you using and what content , audio, video, both?



  • Hi

       My old dvd collection in a Dune Media player  linked to 2 x hard drives  is rock solid and always appears on a Network scans . My old Roon Nucleus with music collection also turns up frequently ( clunky interface though ) . But my R_Volution/Zappiti Nas Reference 4K/Bluray movie collection  are only very infrequently found by Network scans . It would be nice to have the address each of the components on the Network stored in the 900 for quicker access to their resources . 



  • Hello, we're still a bit unclear on what protocol you are referring to? The player supports NFS, SMB, DLNA, etc. so the protocol in use of network devices you're looking for would be helpful for us to understand your suggestion better.

  • @Magnetar Concierge I've tried both NFS and SMB and neither reliably found .They are seen by all pcs (Mac/Windows) but 900 doesn't always find them. 


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